Hey, how are you doing?
It’s been months since I’ve had the privilege of popping up in your inbox so thought it was time to check in.
I’ve had a whirlwind of a summer working at the glorious Deerstone Glamping. There has been a soundtrack of bird call, from curlews to buzzards, and I even got to see a red kite flying over my home patch for the first time! And of course there have been plenty of deer.
We’ve closed for the season now and I have to admit I’m feeling a bit lost, guess it’s the post holiday blues. I decided the best way to find myself would be to visit the badger tree to catch up with this gnarly old fella. I sat with him, felt his warm, rough bark against my skin. We chatted. Well, I chatted. Maybe he listened, maybe he didn’t, but either way he helped me find my way, as he always has.
OK, enough about me, how has your summer been? I’d love to hear about it, please do hit reply and let’s catch up. It really has been too long.
National Badger Day
Today is National Badger Day and of course it’s something I wanna celebrate. When I was hanging out beneath the badger tree I had a bit of a peek to see if there was any activity. Pleased to see fresh digging and even think I spotted a badger footprint. What do you think?
How have you been celebrating our beautiful badgers today? (Or any other day for that matter.)
Are you smiling?
While I’ve not had much time for creating in recent months, the tiny smile bringers have still been venturing out to spread their joy. I’ll be sharing making of and unboxing vids on my socials over the coming weeks, but thought I’d introduce them to you first.
Juniper the red squirrel made a fleeting appearance but didn’t feel she was properly introduced so I’ll be in trouble if I don’t do that first (you know how squirrels are). Her purple emperor butterfly friend is made from slices of a ‘millefiori cane’, a polymer clay technique derived from the ancient glass art of millefiori or ‘thousand flowers’. It’s kind of like making a stick of Blackpool rock but using different colours of clay. It is a long process but a fascinating one that really lends itself to making butterfly wings.
Also bringing smiles are Daisy the roe deer, Reed the otter, and Willow the beaver. Click each image for more info.
If you think you’d like to join the Tiny Smiles Club and receive your very own surprise smile bringer each month, as well as a 20% discount throughout the shop, you can do so here.
If playing with clay isn't your thing but you'd like to own one of these little guys anyhow then I'll be running a giveaway over the weekend of the fair with two of these ornaments up for grabs. Find info in my stall.
While it won't be necessary to enter the competition, it would be really great if entrants could make a donation to the Save Me Trust too.
Tick or treat
Halloween is on its way I’d like to give you a treat. If you choose one of these tiny pumpkins along with any other animal you can trick me into giving it to you for free by entering the code TRICKME22 at the checkout. You can find it here or click the pic.
Offer valid until midnight on the 31st October 2022 and while stocks last. Orders must include the purchase of another animal. Only one pumpkin per order will be discounted.